Friday, April 18, 2014

I will not be afraid... 
Fear is an emotion that we all face in life at one point or another. It is a part of life that we cannot totally eradicate. It may be caused by different situations raging from fear of the unknown to fear of what we do know. We might not be able to completely eradicate fear at every point in our lives but we can try to reduce it and it's effects.  This can be done by increasing the opposite of fear which is faith. When you have any negative emotions like failure or fear, something that can hurt in your life, you can increase a positive emotion to counteract it... When we focus on the positive emotion, the positive emotion goes up and as the positive goes up the negative goes down. I visualize this like a "balancing effect", the scale always, always tip to whatever side is heavier. Right? You always surrender to the emotion that is higher and if you've been working on your positive emotions you are better able to respond with positive feelings/actions. So in this case Faith increases and Fear decreases. This goes for other negative thoughts and feeling that we combat regularly...
Now I know this sounds like simple mathematics but it is not that easy, it is something we have to practice and try to improve on daily. God help us all. Positive thinking and speaking goes a long way in dealing with life. Stay positive and keep your head up.
Let's be rejuvenated and revived as we celebrate Easter...Have a Happy Easter people!!!

*This was exerted from "A minute with John Maxwell". I recommend signing up to receive his daily word of the day as they are often inspiring.




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