Tuesday, August 23, 2011


What does the word forgiveness mean?
Forgiveness is a conscious decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge.

We are human beings and we wrong each other either purposely or unknowingly. People will do things to hurt you and make you feel like you can never possibly let go and so you hold a grudge for however long. It is very understandable to feel hurt or betrayed, however, the problem is that a lot of times the other party may not realize this or quite frankly does not care about your feelings and as a result they are doing their own thing and enjoying their lives while you are wallowing in your misery, in your little corner cringing and sinking in your anger. Even worse sometimes we are our own worse enemies. We cannot forgive ourselves for things that happened in our past that we choose to blame ourselves for

Don't let hate and anger consume you. Live and let live. Set yourself free from these feelings .

How can I do that you may ask? Start by confronting the source of the anger if need be (e.g if it was an argument, betrayal etc), communicate your feeling as civil as you possibly can with the other party, try to come to an understanding and then let it go. Yes, the person you are trying to reconcile with may be resistant to your efforts but do your part and find it in your heart to let it go and pray that they come around. If you had a little misunderstanding with someone or have hard feelings against someone else just because you feel like it then suck it up and let it go, its not even worth it.  Trust me I know it is not easy to forgive if someone has wronged you, our natural instinct is more likely to want to seek a revenge but God forgives us regularly when we sin against him, how much more us forgiving each other. He has made his grace available to us and we just need to ask him for the grace, humility and strength to forgive and move on. 

I have been in some situations where I am so tempted to hold a grudge but the moment I choose to let go I feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off my shoulder. I am sure some of you can attest to the feeling of this great relief. The truth is that you cannot change what has happened in the past but you can make a big impact on your tomorrow. Do not let the bad experiences from the past affect your future by keeping you bitter, angry and robbing you of all the happiness and freedom you deserve. 

When you are able to forgive you can form healthier relationships, have less stress and hostility, lower your blood pressure, feel less pain and depression and overall you are a much happier person.

You should try this out sometime! Let go, be at peace and free yasef!!!

until next time people....