Monday, July 11, 2016


Watching the news lately there has been several disheartening events that have occurred to say the least. lt brings one to tears to see what our world is quickly turning into, or is the era of social media now bringing them to light?

All these divisions  is a result of a world filled with hate and anger. People who want to show they are superior to another. The killings of people of a certain race, ethnicity, religion or innocent cops is not ok, these are people with families that depend on them and their existence in some shape, way or form. 

Is it so hard to live in one accord and not judge one another? Is it so hard to live in a world where people do not instantly place another in a box/category based on skin color, religion, gender, status or just the way they walk, talk or breath? To even delibrately cause harm to another.

Let LOVE reign, let peace reign, let justice reign...LOVE is easier than hate. 

We all need to act and not just speak, PRAY for our world.The world certainly needs LOVE and GOD is LOVE. We need to set aside our differences and create a better world, a better tomorrow for ourselves and most certainly our children and descendants. A world free of fear and full of faith, peace, hope and most certainly LOVE. GOD equals LOVE.

LOVE is easier than hate y'all!! Please show LOVE to someone like you and someone different from you today. A genuine smile and a simple hug will do. That's a start to healing.


Monday, June 13, 2016

Want To Be Successful???

Holla!!! Happy new week to you all...Hope you had a wonderful weekend and geared up for the new and exciting week full of endless possibilities :)

In the spirit of graduation season, here is a little guide to realizing YOUR dreams by the motivational speaker John Maxwell. Indulge and be motivated. Enjoy!!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Procrastination is a dream killer and setting one up for regrets. It is better to try and not succeed than never try at all... 

"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives" by Prince Ea
Loved this video so much I had to share. Have a blessed and motivated weekend y'all!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Happy new month and year to you all!!! Listen to theses words of wisdom from the very successful Oprah Winfrey. #selfLOVE #takecareofYOU #secretstoSUCCESS.. Enjoy the videos below and have a fabulous weekend beautiful people! :)